Swiss IJJ Tarot Deck

By Matt White

Swiss IJJ Tarot Deck Would you believe, this is the deck I learnt Tarot with, and it was a few years before I realised you could get a deck with pictures all the way through. This variation of the classic Marseilles deck was very popular in the 1970’s as it was often packed with Stuart…

Tarocchi Bambini

By Matt White

Tarocchi Bambini A children’s deck but not sure who it is aimed at. Printed in 2000 by Lo Scarabeo and this edition limited to only 250 copies and does not seem to be that available. The cards feature very childish drawings. Useful for learning how to say each suit and all the major arcana in…

Tarot of Dreams

By Matt White

Tarot of Dreams This is a great deck by Ciro Marchetti . I love the bold colours. The cards are enhanced with astrological symbols and gemstones. This was one of my goto decks for a while. Its been reprinted a number if times and originally as a private production until US Games took over production…

Tarot of Prague

By Matt White

Tarot of Prague This came in a huge box and card set. The cards themselves are contained within a hard cover with ribbons to keep the deck closed. My first edition says it was limited to 3000 copies. The book and cards were undertaken by Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov published by Xymbio in 2003.…

Tarot of the Master

By Matt White

Tarot of the Master This is a traditional deck by Giovanni Vacchetta and was first published in 1893 in Turin, this is a coloured version as they were probably just black and white in the original edition with some copies hand coloured. The original artist was born in 1863 and died in 1940, Giovanni became…