Tarot Sutra

By Matt White

Tarot Sutra Despite the erotic title the cards themselves are just a recoloured Rider Waite with a few words printed underneath. The back of the cards features entwined lover and the cards come with a book in a much huger box then it needed to be. Published by Dorling Kindersley  in 2000 with a book…

Temptress Tarot Deck

By Matt White

Temptress Tarot Deck This oversize deck issued in April 2016 via a Kickstarter campaign it did not even come in a printed box. All the cards really just have the face so quite difficult to use as a reading. David Bowie is the King of Cups. You could use it to play Guess Who I…

Toltec Oracle

By Matt White

Toltec Oracle This is a heavy package with a 300 page book, which explains the system and the cards. The book has a forward by composer Philip Glass. The book written by Victor Sanchez explains that he was given the secrets to the oracle by the Wirrarika an indigenous people of Mexico, so secretive that…

Vintage Horror Tarot

By Matt White

Vintage Horror Tarot An interesting deck which is based on photo’s and artwork of old mostly American Universal Horror films. So old Karloff’s Frankenstein and e Bela Lugosi’s Dracula , the original Nosferatu, Golam and some early Vincent Price movies from the 50’s. The use of Jekyll and Hyde for the Wheel of fortune is…

Writers Block Tarot

By Matt White

Writers Block Tarot An unusual deck, A tarot deck that is designed to help you plot stories or rather help you unblock your creativity. Created by Vivian Caethe in 2017 as a Kickstarter project.  Although the cards tie in loosely with the normal meanings for the tarot, I am not sure that they will help…