Black Line Tarot

By Matt White

Black Line Tarot I love this deck for its simplicity. It’s a Folk Horror theme by Stef Butler aka  Agni Prasada Burning  and this deck appeared at Halloween 2020 . The cards have a silver gilt edge and the card box is has a silver inlaid. This is a limited edition and does not seem…

Dark Fairytale Tarot

By Matt White

Dark Fairytale Tarot This deck is meant to be influenced by our dreams and the influence on our imagination of vampires and fairies. This was published by Lo Scarobeo in 2012 with artwork by Raffaele De Angelis and have a gothic erotic look and probably aimed at the ‘charmed generation’. I did try out this…

Faerie Enchantments Oracle

By Matt White

Faerie Enchanments Oracle This Oracle deck is subtitled Magik divination cards and designed by Ian Daniels who went to art school in Rochester, Kent. The book that accompanies the deck explains the use in hedge witchery and magick as well as the Celtic myths and legends associated with the cards. I love the design and…

Mysteries of the Old Castle

By Matt White

Mysteries of the Old Castle This Lenormand based deck was produced in Russia and is very gothic , themed around a haunted castle which is not named.  Instructions are printed in Russian and English and issued in 2012. Request More Information Back to Tarot Library Explore the Entire Tarot Range African American Tarot Explore Deck…

SteamPunk Tarot

By Matt White

SteamPunk Tarot Will this be a short lived fad, I am not sure but this Steampunk deck by Llewellyn is an interesting pack Steampunk is too new as a single word for my spell checker though this deck dates from 2012 so interest has been there a few years now. The book is by Barbara…