Dante Tarot

By Matt White

Dante Tarot This cubist deck based on Dante’s Divine Comedy. The Suits have been changed on this, Swords have been changed to flames, Wands, bricks, pentacles are clouds and cups are lights. The Major Arcana also have a change of title for most cards. My copy is a  1st edition of a Lo Scarabeo deck, No…

Hudes Tarot Deck

By Matt White

Hudes Tarot Deck This Rider variant issued in January 1995 by US Games is a very usable deck. Designed by Susan Hudes I like the medieval design which incorporates old illustrations, antique maps into the background. The back of the cards suing slight variant design for the two halves allows you to know whether the…

Lost Tarot of Nostradamus

By Matt White

Lost Tarot of Nostradamus A 2012 book and deck set written by John Matthews, illustrated by Wil Kinghan with translations of quatrains by Caitlin Matthews. Nostradamus tended to use astrology and scrying (into a pool of oil/water) to divine his verses. John writes a potted history of the seer as well as the ‘Vaticinia Nostradami’…

Medieval Europe Tarot

By Matt White

Medieval Europe Tarot This is perhaps my favourite recent decks designed by Vladymry Strannykov and publided buy Deluxe last September , this deck uses inspiration  from images from medieval and renaissance manuscripts. It’s not just the pictures but comes in a well-constructed box with a 200 plus page mini hardback with almost velvet surface. The…

Renaissance Tarot

By Matt White

Renaissance Tarot The edition I have is a miniature edition 4cm x 8cm approx. Designed by George Trevisan for Lo Scarabeo. I think there have been full size editions, but I tend to put smaller ones in a cabinet of curiosities I have. The Pictures being watercolours are highly detailed and my mini size edition…