Angel Power Cards

By Matt White

Angel Power Cards A miniature angel oracle deck approx. 7cm x 5cm contains 60 cards with inspirational messages written by Wulfling von Rohr and Gayan S Winter. Issued in 1996. Request More Information Back to Tarot Library Explore the Entire Tarot Range African American Tarot Explore Deck Alcohol Tarot Explore Deck Ancien Tarot de Marseille…

Renaissance Tarot

By Matt White

Renaissance Tarot The edition I have is a miniature edition 4cm x 8cm approx. Designed by George Trevisan for Lo Scarabeo. I think there have been full size editions, but I tend to put smaller ones in a cabinet of curiosities I have. The Pictures being watercolours are highly detailed and my mini size edition…

Smallest Tarot in the World

By Matt White

Smallest Tarot in the World Published by Lo Scarabo Very much a gimmick deck. The cards just the 22 majors are only 1cm by 2cm (if that)! To small to be seen as they are smaller than most coins. The images are from the Tarot of the Gnome. The original deck was released in 2002.…