Madame Lenormand Blue Owl

By Matt White

Madame Lenormand Blue Owl The blue owl edition is meant to be the ones found on Madame Lenormand after her death. There are quite a few versions and although the animals are the same the poems, rhymes are often very different. This is the Muller Edition though mine says it was as special edition for…

Messages from Heaven Communication Cards

By Matt White

Messages from Heaven Communication Cards This 2014 Oracle deck by Jacky Newcomb features the pictures from nature. Its purpose is to obtain messages from loved ones that have passed over with short sentences.  Not a deck for doing readings more just a card you could pick up and gain some solace from a once off…

Mysteries of the Old Castle

By Matt White

Mysteries of the Old Castle This Lenormand based deck was produced in Russia and is very gothic , themed around a haunted castle which is not named.  Instructions are printed in Russian and English and issued in 2012. Request More Information Back to Tarot Library Explore the Entire Tarot Range African American Tarot Explore Deck…

Teen Angels

By Matt White

Teen Angels Not really an Oracle or Tarot deck more of an inspiration deck. I can’t see any Teenagers wanting a deck like this, as it seems more for children. Written and designed by Diana Cooper and published by Findhorn and seems to have Manga influenced cartoon faces. This edition of the Teen-Angel Cards uses…

Toltec Oracle

By Matt White

Toltec Oracle This is a heavy package with a 300 page book, which explains the system and the cards. The book has a forward by composer Philip Glass. The book written by Victor Sanchez explains that he was given the secrets to the oracle by the Wirrarika an indigenous people of Mexico, so secretive that…