Angel Power Cards

By Matt White

Angel Power Cards A miniature angel oracle deck approx. 7cm x 5cm contains 60 cards with inspirational messages written by Wulfling von Rohr and Gayan S Winter. Issued in 1996. Request More Information Back to Tarot Library Explore the Entire Tarot Range African American Tarot Explore Deck Alcohol Tarot Explore Deck Ancien Tarot de Marseille…

Angels of Awakening

By Matt White

Angels of Awakening A set of cards featuring statues of angels, with messages or inspirations by Daisy Foss and Laraine Krantz. I would have been more impressed if it had a few of Doctor Who’s Weeping Angels in it to give something a little dark. I think sometimes just putting positive messages does not always…

Angels of Light Cards

By Matt White

Angels of Light Cards Basically just a set of cards with inspirational messages written by Diana Cooper  that I assume you are meant to pick at random. The box come in a fold-out stand to hold the cards , so you can leave the messages showing in your room. A findhorn publication from 2008 Each…

Animals Divines Tarot Deck

By Matt White

Animals Divines Tarot Deck Divine Animal Tarot by Lisa Hunt This deck dates from September 2005 , published by Llewellyn and features watercolour images of animals as just about every card. Inspiration is from Aztec, Incan, Indian, Japanese, African, Native American, Greek, Roman, and others. So we have Sparrows on the two of swords, swans…

Aora Gemstone Oracle

By Matt White

Aora Gemstone Oracle Aora Gemstone Oracle – Another Intuitive deck based on gemstones comprising 44 cards. The basic idea is a cross between gemstone divination and tarot and at this it works very well. However they also work on a meditation basis as well. The accompanying book is comprehensive with information on the astrological and…