African American Tarot

By Matt White

African American Tarot A lo Scaraboe edition from 2007 by Jamal R and artwork by Thomas Davis. One of the few decks is aimed and a different ethnicity then the usual European decks. I would imagine it would therefore appeal to those with an African heritage. The cards encompass African wildlife and mythology and infuse…

Alcohol Tarot

By Matt White

Alcohol Tarot I imagine this was done as a promo item, as you can expect this is rather limited and my deck was 747 of 1000, signed by the Drunken Prophet.! The cards are not that close in image to a normal deck, though some attempts have been made. The minor arcana are basically pip…

Burning Heart Tarot

By Matt White

Burning Heart Tarot A 2016 Tarot deck based on the TV Show Hannibal based on the series of films, itself based on the books by Thomas Harris. As you would expect the cards are rather dark and featured artwork of characters form the TV series and not the films, so know Jodie Foster or Anthony…

Dante Tarot

By Matt White

Dante Tarot This cubist deck based on Dante’s Divine Comedy. The Suits have been changed on this, Swords have been changed to flames, Wands, bricks, pentacles are clouds and cups are lights. The Major Arcana also have a change of title for most cards. My copy is a  1st edition of a Lo Scarabeo deck, No…

Divine Astrology Deck

By Matt White

Divine Astrology Deck This is not really an Oracle deck, more of a mediation deck. The cards themselves are oversized about 3 times a normal card size and they either have the planetary symbol or a prayer or mediational aspect. Allowing you to work with your astrology chart. The choice of typefaces and background make…