Ancien Tarot de Marseille

By Matt White

Ancien Tarot de Marseille Popularly known as the Marseilles Tarot, this is perhaps one of the most familiar old decks in regular use though mostly used as a normal playing card game. In fact the game of Trumps (aka whist) that is perhaps best suited and indeed shared the history between tarot and the modern…

Art of the Tarot

By Matt White

Art of the Tarot This is a simple Tarot, traditional but uses pips for the minor arcana . It comes with a small book written by Liz Dean and the cards are illustrated by Emma Garner. The cards are rather square and simplistic. From the publisher The Tarot has a 500-year history and most Western…

Swiss IJJ Tarot Deck

By Matt White

Swiss IJJ Tarot Deck Would you believe, this is the deck I learnt Tarot with, and it was a few years before I realised you could get a deck with pictures all the way through. This variation of the classic Marseilles deck was very popular in the 1970’s as it was often packed with Stuart…

Tarot of the Master

By Matt White

Tarot of the Master This is a traditional deck by Giovanni Vacchetta and was first published in 1893 in Turin, this is a coloured version as they were probably just black and white in the original edition with some copies hand coloured. The original artist was born in 1863 and died in 1940, Giovanni became…