Faerie Enchantments Oracle

By Matt White

Faerie Enchanments Oracle This Oracle deck is subtitled Magik divination cards and designed by Ian Daniels who went to art school in Rochester, Kent. The book that accompanies the deck explains the use in hedge witchery and magick as well as the Celtic myths and legends associated with the cards. I love the design and…

Fantastical Creatures Tarot

By Matt White

Fantastical Creatures Tarot This deck was illustrated by Lisa Hunt and the book written by D J Conway uses the mythological creatures. The unicorn features as the Moon for instance. The meticulous drawings are in a way to detailed for a normal deck and all a bit to blue and green for me. This deck…

Gilded Tarot

By Matt White

Gilded Tarot This was one of my favourite decks for a while and the deck was created by Ciro Marchetti and published by Llewellyn in 2004. They follow the standard Rider-Waite deck format but just have that something different with bright colours and bold flowing robes.  A good working practical deck. Heralding archetypal elements of…

Guided by the Angels

By Matt White

Guided by the Angels This is basically a 72 card deck depicting a different angle on each card. The artwork is pretty basic and comes from one of those budget sets . Request More Information Back to Tarot Library Explore the Entire Tarot Range African American Tarot Explore Deck Alcohol Tarot Explore Deck Ancien Tarot…

Hidden Path Cards

By Matt White

Hidden Path Cards This oracle set by Raven Grimassi and Stephanie Taylor is basically a set of Wiccan based cards . One card for each of the sabbats, cards for different rituals such as Drawing Down the Moon. Others are perhaps randomly put in such as a Faery Door and a few bits that are…