Lost Tarot of Nostradamus

By Matt White

Lost Tarot of Nostradamus A 2012 book and deck set written by John Matthews, illustrated by Wil Kinghan with translations of quatrains by Caitlin Matthews. Nostradamus tended to use astrology and scrying (into a pool of oil/water) to divine his verses. John writes a potted history of the seer as well as the ‘Vaticinia Nostradami’…

Madame Lenormand Blue Owl

By Matt White

Madame Lenormand Blue Owl The blue owl edition is meant to be the ones found on Madame Lenormand after her death. There are quite a few versions and although the animals are the same the poems, rhymes are often very different. This is the Muller Edition though mine says it was as special edition for…

Madhouse Tarot

By Matt White

Madhouse Tarot An interesting deck by Elsa Khapatnukovski and Eugene Vinitski published in December 2020 . This was a first edition and is numbered 28. The 150 page paperback book that comes with the deck is nicely detailed and features the meaning of each card in events, business, finance emotions, mental state as well as…

Magical Daemonibus Tarot

By Matt White

Magical Daemonibus Tarot This is a fascinating deck though a difficult one to read with and even if you did , you might scare of your customers. The pictures use demons taken from magical manuscripts. A limited Kickstarter edition and suited to dressing a Hammer Horror event. Request More Information Back to Tarot Library Explore…

Manga Tarot

By Matt White

Manga Tarot A themed Tarot deck using the Japanese cartoon Manga by comic book artist Selena Lin. This deck comes in a very sturdy box which splits out the book compartment from the cards. The book is standard card interpretations written by Gilly Smith. The cards themselves are long and thin and possibly designed for…