Titanic Tarot

By Matt White

Titanic Tarot Ships on Tarot cards always have an appeal to me, my father was a Master Mariner (Captain) so this sea-based deck appeals. Glad to say my dad never lost a ship, though he was once helicoptered aboard a ship to replace a pickled captain at short notice.   This 1st edition deck issued by…

Toltec Oracle

By Matt White

Toltec Oracle This is a heavy package with a 300 page book, which explains the system and the cards. The book has a forward by composer Philip Glass. The book written by Victor Sanchez explains that he was given the secrets to the oracle by the Wirrarika an indigenous people of Mexico, so secretive that…

Vampire Tarot

By Matt White

Vampire Tarot There are quite a few vampire themed Tarot decks, and this is one of the better versions. Written and illustrated by Robert M Place, this incorporates not only cards but an extensive 200 page book the Tarot and Vampires, a detailed history of the Tarot, the occult revival as well as the vampire…

Vintage Horror Tarot

By Matt White

Vintage Horror Tarot An interesting deck which is based on photo’s and artwork of old mostly American Universal Horror films. So old Karloff’s Frankenstein and e Bela Lugosi’s Dracula , the original Nosferatu, Golam and some early Vincent Price movies from the 50’s. The use of Jekyll and Hyde for the Wheel of fortune is…

Visconti di Modrone

By Matt White

Visconti di Modrone The Visconti di Modrone Tarot (also known as the Cary-Yale deck) is one of the three surviving original Visconti deck. These cards are now in Yale University Library donated by the widow of Melbert B Cary Jr who purchased them from the Visconti di Modrone family. The cards are larger then normal…