Cards of Alchemy

By Matt White

Cards of Alchemy Raymond Buckland Not really a Tarot deck, more of an oracle, but an interesting deck. Published by Llewellyn in 2003, there are 5 suits, plus wild cards, and then other suits within the 5 suits. A mixture of alchemy, astrology, numerology, and gemstones appear on the cards. Raymond Buckland was an interesting…

Carlton Waite Tarot

By Matt White

Carlton Waite Tarot This is the deck issued with my book (just called the Tarot in 1996). It was published by Carlton Books, who as Carlton TV at the time was also the regional ITV broadcast company for the regional area and so had a good marketing budget. Selling some 35,000 copies within a few…

Celtic Tarot

By Matt White

Celtic Tarot There are quite a few decks with the title of Celtic and this one is by Lo Scarabeo designed by Pietro Alligo and Giordano Berti seem to be more gypsy in style then Celtic in dress design. However, the cards themselves to use Celtic myths and the Irish names for the various characters.…

Crazy Sexy Love Notes

By Matt White

Crazy Sexy Love Notes This is basically a 52 card inspiration deck. By Kris Carr and Lori Portka. Each card has a childlike feminine drawing that with an inspirational aspiration. and the back contains a more detailed information aspiration or message form your inner self. Very much a Hay House deck. I am not sure…

Dante Tarot

By Matt White

Dante Tarot This cubist deck based on Dante’s Divine Comedy. The Suits have been changed on this, Swords have been changed to flames, Wands, bricks, pentacles are clouds and cups are lights. The Major Arcana also have a change of title for most cards. My copy is a  1st edition of a Lo Scarabeo deck, No…