Dark Fairytale Tarot

By Matt White

Dark Fairytale Tarot This deck is meant to be influenced by our dreams and the influence on our imagination of vampires and fairies. This was published by Lo Scarobeo in 2012 with artwork by Raffaele De Angelis and have a gothic erotic look and probably aimed at the ‘charmed generation’. I did try out this…

Faerie Enchantments Oracle

By Matt White

Faerie Enchanments Oracle This Oracle deck is subtitled Magik divination cards and designed by Ian Daniels who went to art school in Rochester, Kent. The book that accompanies the deck explains the use in hedge witchery and magick as well as the Celtic myths and legends associated with the cards. I love the design and…

Sexual Magic Tarot

By Matt White

Sexual Magic Tarot This Lo Scarabeo deck is designed by Mauro De Luco . It really is just a plain erotic deck – not a deck to read in front of the family. The cards are comic book style in watercolour  so neither realistic or erotic. There is no better source of magical energy than…

Spill Tarot

By Matt White

Spill Tarot This comes in a heavy duty fabric lined case which seems to be collect dust.  Published in 2009 as part of the SPILL festival of performance. This was an artistic collaboration of a number of artists overseen by Robert Pacciti. Different artists were given different major arcana a cards to photograph as performance,…

Tarot Sutra

By Matt White

Tarot Sutra Despite the erotic title the cards themselves are just a recoloured Rider Waite with a few words printed underneath. The back of the cards features entwined lover and the cards come with a book in a much huger box then it needed to be. Published by Dorling Kindersley  in 2000 with a book…