Stretch Tarot
This is a mixed media deck published in April 2016, and privately published via a Kickstarter campaign. The cards mostly follow a Rider Waite design template and a lot of the cards use 1910-1930’s b/w and Victorian parlour images photo’s to aid with the pictorial presentation.
The cards are easy to use though the colours tend to be muted with the black and white and sepia tinted images which may tend to add a more bleak interpretation, but they are workable as a Tarot deck.
These do not appear to be available commercially, which is sometimes a shame but you can purchase online at https://www.stretchtarot.com/product-page/the-stretch-tarot
The Stretch Tarot was created by J.E. Stretch in 2016. Featuring vintage imagery altered using a wide variety of methods and mediums, its unique style is designed to help both new and experienced readers see the cards from a fresh perspective, illuminating traditional meanings in a new light.