Carlton Waite Tarot
This is the deck issued with my book (just called the Tarot in 1996). It was published by Carlton Books, who as Carlton TV at the time was also the regional ITV broadcast company for the regional area and so had a good marketing budget. Selling some 35,000 copies within a few months release in the UK. It also received a US and Canada release. The book clubs heavily promoted it and as I was a regular writer for Prediction Magazine, they did a promotional offer as well. I personally got criticised for the deck for its colours, but the deck was re-colouring nothing to do with me! Carlton apparently did some market research, and I am not sure why mustard yellow was the predominant colour. Although re-issued in the US a few times they never re-issued in the UK as I do not think they could come to an agreement with Rider.
From the Publisher
The Tarot is a system of mystical divination that is around 500 years old. Each of the 78 cards has its own special significance, but when combined with other cards in a “spread” or reading, a rich and comprehensive picture of any requested situation emerges. With the Tarot, it is possible to gain insights into oneself and others. Through the information the Tarot brings, it is possible to understand the underlying patterns in life and circumstances, and so predict the likely outcome of events. This package contains a newly interpreted deck of the classic Rider Waite Tarot cards. The accompanying book, written by an expert who has spent many years studying the Tarot, their meanings and symbolism, explains in detail the meaning of the 78 cards and gives practical advice on how they can be consulted through a series of different “spreads”. The book seeks to demystify the Tarot for the beginner while offering keys to a greater level of understanding for the more advanced student.